Tag: Allison Cobb

Make It True Reading Audio

Make_It_True_Front_CoverA reading from the first ever anthology of Cascadia Poetry was held Wednesday, June 24, 2015, at Milepost 5 in Portland. At the beginning of a heat wave at the end of summer is NOT an idea time for a reading, but thanks to anthology poet and longtime Portland literary activist and barefoot reader dan raphael, as well as Duane Poncy and Patricia McLean of Artists Milepost 5, the reading happened at a really wonderful venue in a part of Portland that more people associate with fast food haunts than artists. But dan raphael had a family emergency with which to deal, leaving Duane and I in charge of the show. So here is the audio I took with my trusty IC recorder. Enjoy.

1. Duane Poncy and Paul Nelson Introductory Remarks 5:21.

2. Allison Cobb – Look 4:23

3. Jen Coleman – (Keiko is Missing (Bill Carty)) and Gossip (+ emcee comments) 5:32

Endi goes barefoot to read dan raphael's poem

Endi goes barefoot to read dan raphael’s poem

4. Endi Bogue Haritgan (Moments from the History of Rain (dan raphael)), Dreamed Thoreau and Twenty-Second Elegy 8:15

Endi Bogue Hartigan

Endi Bogue Hartigan

5. Jared Hayes (Thing Language (Jack Spicer)) and a distilled version of Blue Mountain Water Raindrop Sutra  3:08

6. Jimbo Beckman, who is not in the anthology, read postcard poems. 1:18

7. Emcee notes on Poetry Postcard Fest and co-editors 2:14

James Grabill

James Grabill

8. James Grabill Introductory Notes 2:01

9. James Grabill The Idea of 2020 4:52

10. Paul E Nelson The Day the Weather Decided to Die 3:00

11. C.E. Putnam (reading Meredith Quartermain’s Heat Haze), Day 22 and Day 164 Before You Put it In The Pan 7:16

12. Paul Nelson reads Thomas Walton’s With Gary Snyder on the Trail and Rita Wong’s The Wonder of Being Several – 3:00 

13. Marilyn Stablein (reads Frances McCue’s Steeple River Faith) also What Water Carries and three prose poems – 8:29

14. Paul E Nelson Closing Notes – :57


Bottom Row L to R: C.E. Putnam, Jimbo beckman, Jen Coleman. Upper: Endi Bogue Hartigan, Allison Cobb, Paul Nelson, Jared Hayes, James Grabill and Marilyn Stablein