Tod Marshall Photo by Amy Sinisterra
Not Just Mountains, Forests, and Rivers: Finding Cascadia in Poetry (and poetry in Cascadia).
Sunday morning, Oct 15, 2017, 9-11am. FREE to first 20 Gold Pass holders who register. Washington State History Museum.
Stunningly diverse, Cascadia stretches from ocean shores to high desert, from rainforests to channeled scablands; to put it simply, the region includes diverse ecologies (and numerous cultural practices). In this workshop, we’ll explore some of the ways that poets have used a sense of “place” to propel their poetics; after talking about these poets and poems, we’ll try to discover what a Cascadian Poetic might mean for each of our practices and work toward generating a draft of a poem. Bring pen and paper (or preferred writing instrument). Sunday, Oct 15, 9am. Gold Pass required + pre-registration.
The current Poet Laureate of the state of Washington, Tod Marshall grew up in Kansas. His books of poetry include Bugle (Canarium Press, 2014), The Tangled Line (Canarium Press, 2009), and Dare Say (University of Georgia Press, 2002). He has also published a collection of his interviews with contemporary poets, Range of the Possible (Eastern Washington University Press, 2002) and an attendant anthology of work by the interviewed poets, Range of Voices (EWU Press, 2005). He lives in Spokane, Washington, and teaches at Gonzaga University.